
Damnit... None of these surprised me because I knew them all (except for Cranston. Mind = blown)

The 500s page is going backwards. It keeps changing prices, and my buddy is trying to grab it, but it's saying out of stock. Might as well pull the link. Amazon can't make up it's mind.

I have the M750 (I also have the G500s, so don't go flaming, that's my baby lol) and it's a great day to day mouse, especially if you don't have a lot of desktop real estate. It's, absolutely, my office work horse. :) (And I found it one day at my boss' office, and because he didn't like it, I got to keep it. WOOT!)

Jesus! "how do I walk" that's grand!

Didn't Krauser have like a 10 second late start? So uh...


Never watched the anime. But I'll probably watch the hell out of this. *Fap fap fap*

I'm on the sprint variant. Other than busting a screen, I've never had any issues with it. Running a kang of CM 11.2 right now. I've probably flashed this phone close to 200 times since launch (I have a problem) and have not once had issues. Even with a bad odin flash, I was able to recover it.

I just did. Wow that was disturbing.

Nobou Uematsu is a fantastic, self-taught, composer. Love all of his music. :) "Eyes on Me" by Faye Wong is definitely an emotional heart crusher, too.

Let's be real... anything is better than 12. Except X-2... That was just.......

Then I stand corrected. :)

The ONLY thing that bothers me (as a relatively new vaper of 10 months) is the fact that this is probably a gutted game cube only providing power to the USB (yes, that's all they are) ports through the 5v and powering up a few cheap as hell passthrough mods.

They've never made pretty PCB's... ever.

I usually wake up about 20 minutes before my alarm. Sometimes naturally, most of the time because my roommate is a dick.

I just got my Refurbed U47A from ASUS, and I've ALWAYS been a hardcore ASUS fan.

Definitely super fast on my Win8 ASUS u47a with an i7 with 8GB RAM. Hybrid SSD, too.

Mother of God, that was amazing!

Oh, and Pokèball at 1:00

I think the only thing that would make this even better would be if they timed it with the building destruction and the fighter jet road killing them. lol