
...which means you’re underwater tying this thing on in 28-degree water, and that’s going to take you five to ten minutes, so by the time you come back up you’re already dead...

A penniless guy who won his spot on the ship in a last minute poker game would be wily enough to find some kind of debris to clamber on.

If Rose had stayed on that lifeboat, Jack would’ve had that slab o’ wood all to himself.

To be fair, Jack was Frozen at the end.

The Mythbusters result was that using the life vests underneath the wood would add enough buoyancy that they would both fit and not sink.

Let it go, dude.

The only person that’s full of shit is you, James Cameron, thinking people want to see not one, not two but THREE FUCKING AVATAR SEQUELS. I saw Avatar. It was.....fine.


Narrative choice > experimental reality?

Hey, do you guys remember the Arab spring, when protests we erupting all over the Middle East due to their displeasure of their dictators? Who would have guessed that same shit would happen here less then a decade later.

*cue the wail of the soundtrack*

Actually, that isn’t true at all. California could still use the US dollar as our main currency much as the USVI, BVI, Ecuador, El Salvador and Zimbabwe do. California represents a whopping 13% of the average US GDP producing 2.5 Trillion dollars in 2015. Over 2 million new cars were sold in California last year

8th Largest? Nah bro, we hit #5 recently due to Brexit. 

Canada welcomes California with open arms.

The United States of California, Oregon, Washington, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, Panama, and Costa Rica.

Except you get to keep your all your income, you get to protect the environment like you want, you get to keep as many immigrants as you choose, and you have the 8th largest economy in the world, ample crop space, and ready access to shipping lanes.

This is what kills me. California taxes are being spent in backwards red states on people who think I should go back to Mexico (3rd generation Californian) or that I am abusing welfare or that my AfAm husband should die in the street like a dog at the hands of some cop. But whose tax dollars are supporting their

So stick it out and wait till he kills you anyway?

Pretty sure Canada’s supplying more of California’s water than you guys are.

As a history nerd, I like to reassure myself that what we’re experiencing now is a normal part of progress. There is always a sort of kickback before society changes meaningfully. The 50's were a kickback decade. There was a kickback during the industrial revolution. The Spanish Inquisition was partly in response to