
It’s really not that tough to figure out why, is it....?

And what’s wrong with that, you ape, you want to live forever?!?

Maybe she didn’t have a birth certificate or social security number? You can get through school without those things, but when you’re 18 and getting ready for college or a job it’d start being a real problem, and it’s hard for a kidnapper to explain away. That’s what made Carlina White suspicious.

It is heartbreaking. To her, this is her mother, and it sounds like she has been a pretty decent mother too. But she ruined that other family’s life, and now the daughter 100% has some trauma to sort through.

“And I’m sorry, but $1.5M for your baby disappearing??? That’s it??? I assume they settled to just make the case go away, but still.”

Maybe people have just started to get suspicious now because at this age the girl is getting her drivers license, applying to college, etc and the documents weren’t matching up?

They lock maternity wards down so tight now, it’s crazy. My kid was an hour old and had on a proximity alarm, three bar codes that corresponded to me, and a microchip. No exaggeration. And my hospital required babies to room in with the parents.

Every delivery ward I’ve been in in the past 10 years have a system so that this never happens. They baby has a monitor attached to them and there are sensors that if they’re taken beyond them, go off. Security is tight.

I’m sure the chances of this happening to most us are one in a million. I have friends who’ve been told by hospital staff that they weren’t “allowed” to keep their baby in the room with them at all times if they wanted. This story makes me think I’d respond with a hearty, “Fuck off,” because I cannot imagine the

“Williams, was described at the time as being between “25 and 47 years old”

Pretty soon all the boys will be pineing for her

fellow students are afraid of getting hit in the chest, nuts.

Yeah - she’s all like “Come at me, birch!”

Going out on a limb to say that ^

“I’m well aware that what I said is supremely idiotic and displays a gross misunderstanding of how life works, but I still needed to spout off like a loud-mouthed dipshit.”

This is why I’m terrified of going to Manhattan Mini Storage. It always seems like an army of crazy hobo vampires is waiting to pop out from around those long long corridor corners.

Stealing Power, Staff, Cameras, Coming and Going?

Well, let’s see.

You can live even cheaper in a tent under a bridge as long as we are talking about blatantly illegal living situations.