
...Good? I was getting preeeeetty tired of the upper middle class white girls on my feeds telling a black artist he was wrong about his interpretation of his own work.


See, his line of reasoning is something I’ve come across with conservatives - and MRAs - before: feminists/liberals want all of the benefits of equality and none of the drawbacks, so hah! You’re all hypocrites! And the most salient example used was always the draft. Yet, every feminist and liberal I’ve ever met has

I would imagine that most people currently in favour of quotas would be in favour of blind hiring if they knew the statistics; unfortunately, there is also push-back from companies themselves. They want to be able to choose employees based on qualities other than those directly related to work, and in that case a

Studies have been done on blind hiring, though, and it leads to more women and minorities, and fewer white men being hired, every time. It's interesting to see how many comment there are on the articles related to those studies from white men arguing that blind hiring is inherently "unfair" because companies should be

...Not sure if joking, but, that is the uniform of our Supreme Court justices.

As someone on the opposite end of this, yes! I understand that my friends don’t make as much money as I do and if they can’t do something for financial reasons, I’m cool with doing something else, always - it’s the company I want, not the movie/dinner/event itself. And if I really am invested in the latter, I’ll spot

So is she ever going to get over that breakup?

Well, I was one of those “not like other girls” girls growing up, and I grew out of it not by discovering my inner femininity like I was always told I would, but by encountering hundreds if not thousands of “not like other girls” girls and realizing that there are in fact, shittons of us, to the point where we very

You know what has _actually_ been linked to an increased likelihood of autism? By real, multiple, scientific studies? Advanced paternal age.

Eh, IRL I’ve found that intelligent women (even very intelligent women) have no trouble finding mates, provided they are also attractive. And some of the dumbest, yet sweetest and most pleasing can’t find mates, because they are unattractive.


No I haven’t, but then, given that this is the internet and the sheer number of people in this thread who also claim to have “been there” and are saying what he says bullshit, there’s a high probability he hasn’t either.

Fair enough. I actually agree with you about that.

That’s what it is. A carefully selected list of anecdotes you’re recounting (or inventing) to illustrate your point. Shitty or incompetent male Marines redacted for your convenience.

So why not just accept the women who can do the pullups, and have the rest fail? Last article I read it was around 45% who passed. Most people, you’ll find - including most feminists - are alright with failing women if they don’t pass a PT test, provided that PT test is an accurate representation of one’s ability to

Assuming your anecdote is accurate, if they can’t drag that weight, ask yourself one question: why is the CF’s general standard for all applicants, of any age/gender/intended trade, higher than that for female Marines?

No, now a girl did what they did. Girls suck, clearly. So either they have to make up stories about how much harder they had it than the girls, or their accomplishment is something a girl could do; i.e., lesser.

The commenter I responded to specifically said “drag” to cover. You drag with your legs. This is why the CF now requires you to drag/carry that weight. Virtually all of the women who try out can do it.

In all honesty, though, anyone can pretend to be anyone on the internet. Why should I or anyone else here believe a word you say? I can believe that someone told you those things, but even you yourself can’t know if they’re true or not. “What happened” is something you, or I, don’t actually know. You (claim that you)