
Yeah unsourced second and third-hand information from people disinclined to accept their presence means you “know for a fact” that they got special treatment. Seems legit to me.

You do pull ups with your legs now? Huh.

I have two females I work with that weight under 140 lbs and could not pick me up or drag me if their life depended on it.

Well, hey, now that we have a few anecdotes about some poorly performing “females” from your training days, who needs a publicly-funded scientific study?

Actually Asian women are paid considerably better than white women in comparison with white men.

I started around the same age but it actually helped me come later on, I found. I knew exactly which motions I like/get me off, which I could quickly show my partners.

...I started at 5. Apparently that isn’t all that abnormal.

Ironically (?) kitchens are getting more ergonomic over time, then. The average height here for women 20-35 is 5’6” and the current teens are even taller.

Yeah, this. Tons of college-aged women donate eggs to make ends meet. She could have been told that none of them were fertilized.

Now to see whether or not those “changes to the script” include something insulting like having her fail to save her husband (whereas the male lead was written as saving his wife) as in Salt because the director felt that having a woman rescue a man would be too “emasculating” for the audience. Ugh.

As a woman, I don’t understand it either. I think it’s basically just art admiration, though. Like an impractical but beautiful sculpture. It’s not really meant to be worn.

Well, you said the OP’s comment (about Canada) was “just not true,” and posted links to studies done in an entirely different country as evidence. Because you “highly doubt” something doesn’t make it not so, so your rebuttal (?) falls entirely flat here.

The commenter specifically said “in Canada.” Both articles you linked are about the United States.

So, not to be a scientist here or anything, but they are aware that most women don’t have an intact hymen by the time they reach sexual maturity, right? It gets damaged by activity, and dissolves over time to that menstruation can take place.

I am like 95% sure there are no “private sector” ambulances in Canada, so.....

I have a fairly high-paying profession, which at dating age meant I out-earned just about all of the men I dated (including the now Mr. Cat), so I would always offer to pay, and if they refused, insist on splitting the cheque.

I was about to say - paramedics make $23-39/hour in BC depending on their experience and qualifications, and I somehow couldn’t imagine the US was paying them about the same amount a Starbucks barista makes after tips. That would be _insane_.

...If this medic is supposedly “educated” and “motivated,” why is he making less than $15/hour?

This is exactly what you get. The laws changed here to exclude anonymity, and donations dwindled to almost nothing. There isn’t even enough to inseminate the people who don’t wany an anonymous donor (usually lesbian couples). But the import of sperm is still legal, so everyone just buys sperm from the US. In other

You seem to be copying and pasting exactly this on just about every response in the thread that disagrees with you, so I’m not sure you’re expecting a response, but... those aren’t their “siblings and fathers.” The fathers and siblings they were raised with are their siblings and fathers. Those are genetic donors who