
Finally, an article on Kotaku about my favorite video game! Oh... wait... this is... this doesn’t have anything to do with video games. Oh god... OH GOD THE SALLLLTTTTT

I’m not disagreeing with you here, but the prior history of the dudes that got shot really doesn’t have any bearing on what happened that night.

Film production worker, here.

I’m a little torn on this. Because I’m nowhere near “wealthy”. Like... at all. Not even a little. And I have a PSVR. It was a big expense, sure. The biggest of the year I got it. But I did still get it. VR is within the reach of most dedicated gamers, they just have to make that their major gaming purchase for a good

We don’t need to invent new terms. AAA games are distributed through a large publisher and have high development and marketing budgets, that’s all it is. How the work is divided between regional offices, or whether you personally think a game is generic, has nothing to do with it.

You do know its comically easy for kids under 18 to get any sexual content they like, right? You can’t even argue that she markets directly towards under 18s so calling her a pedo means you’d have to call any man or woman that creates sexual content a pedo simply because kids can access it easily thanks to the internet

I really liked it, but I think it’s important to consider it an -excellent- GotG tv miniseries that you get to shoot things in sometimes. 

Why would a game that came out years ago have a bunch of articles being written about it currently?  That’d be weird.

Two things can be true:

Or, shit, you just want to pause the game. Who gives a shit if it’s a “legitimate” reason to pause, y’know?

I’m usually pretty understanding of Souls fans who are so protective of their favorite series that they’re worried it’ll be ruined if it introduces new quality of life features, but y’all got serious brain worms if you think asking for a pause button is somehow unreasonable.

Souls fans really do be like “It’s genius design and not a laughable failure of conveyance that people skip the section intended to teach them the basics of the combat system.” There could be a bug that deleted your save file and a lot of these people would be like, “HA HA, vintage Souls, I love it!”

Actually shit like this is supposed to happen. Somewhere the victim authorized a contract through their web 3 wallet. Whether through clicking a scam link and/or a flaw I the opensea contract(highly doubt). The user then approved the token permissions whatever they may have been. This is how blockchain works if you

I was super let down by Sword and Shield, which felt deeply lazy and hand-holdy in a way that boded poorly for the series (don’t give a shit about Dexit, do give a shit about mandatory Exp All without adjusting level curve of opponents, lack of dungeons, postgame locked behind DLC, and the worst plot of a series that

I think the big turnoff for all the sane people is the price of NFTs. It’s absolutely asinine to pay $30k for a GIF. But if you take away the steep price— let’s say this voice clip costs $1, does it have value to you now? Idk how I feel about NFTs, do we need “originals” and “ownership” over these originals in the

I watched it. Like the article says, he had members (and the owner) of the Basketball Card Exchange in the room with him, going over their reasons why they verified why the sealed box was legit.

If your gut reaction to this is to get defensive (like many people in the twitter replies) then it might be time to start examining your personal bias. 

You didn’t get concerns, you got outrage, because NFTs are an enormous scam lying in plain sight, a pointless intrusion on existing systems designed only to enrich those hustling it and an environmental catastrophe, no matter what kind of hand-waving and PR laundering its advocates try

The more backlash these Ubisoft helmet NFTs get, the more legendary they are going to be. Years from now these will be seen as the helmets that triggered half the internet. Imagine owning one of the original Oblivion horse armor NFTs.

This isn’t horse armour, or fighter skins, annoyances and inconveniences that people protested then begrudgingly got used to.