
When you go into a game, you can open network settings and there is a section where you can get a friend code.  You and your GF can share those codes and friend each other, then you can go into Multiplayer (chosen during starting the game) and you can then join each other’s group.

Does anyone have any idea why this was such a mess this year but preordering the Xbox One and PS4 back in 2013 was a total breeze? I got both without breaking a sweat, and it was none of the stress of this launch. I don’t remember much of it, but I remember them just kinda opening preorders and going to the sites to

My decision to wait on these systems until something exclusive worth playing comes out feels more and more like a good decision with every piece of recent news.

Initial reaction: Holy shit. This is huge (because it is).

Well it’s finally happened, just a few weeks shy of my 50th birthday. I did not understand a single thing going on in that article or video, nor did I want to. I then began shaking my fist and mumbling something about the “yoots”.

That is kind of on you... Nothing in a typical battlepass is necessary so you can decide if it’s worth the commitment just to get a cosmetic. I love battlepasses and considering many pay for the next pass its the best F2P model around.


Free to play with a rotating item shop and optional cosmetic only season pass that pays for all future season passes would be ideal. Just make all the games more like fortnite and we would be better for it

I’m very lucky in that back during the big Kickstarter era I just kept forgetting to back things I wanted to in time. And except for one game that ended up living up to the hype, I think it mostly paid off.

What is four possibilities and a fantasy?

The reason why is the reputation of Chris Roberts, the head of the project and president of the company. He’s something of a rock star to a certain demographic of old school gamers. He made the old Wing Commander games with Origin Systems, which are a flock of games that hold up extremely well. From that background he

If you can’t get it done with 300 million, you can’t get it done. I was really excited about this game... back in my thirties.

HOLY CRAP, this game! I remember it! I had it! I bought it! It was the first game I ever regretted buying!

It was not the worst game ever by any stretch of the imagination, but it was quite possibly the worst deal I ever made. I even remember buying it, it was at a Toys R Us, and I think it was something like $75!


no don’t you see that’s how i broke out of the loop

Because your friends from school aren’t on Netflix. 

Reasonable expectations due to being run by an independent/privately held developer.

I don’t ever want to have to be in a war, but I love shooting the hell out of other people in games. I wouldn’t ever want to have to run from a crazy murderer or monster, but I love those situations in games. I wouldn’t ever want to lose someone I love and have to do some truly terrible things, but... games.

But what about in StW? 

This sounds like something I could watch as a movie but play this for 30 hours doesn’t seem like something I want to subject myself to.

Played for like six hours last night. My take so far: