
That's a passing grade in college

Says the guy whose name is An Atheist Jew...

bought it for the campaign, so this is 100% win to me.

Halo the master chief collection is a bad present? False

Multiplayer is a broken mess 70% of the time (it has gotten better), but singleplayer is solid for the most part. It's playable.

OK, I will concede that you might not be an entitled brat.

I guess they should drop everything and cater to you then? There are tons of fantastic single player games out their if you want to play them. Blizzard is known for making great multiplayer games and this one looks to be a lot of fun.

Because Wasabi Ginger was the only fucking one that tasted good, you washed up failure of a snack connoisseur!!! The Bacon Chedder Mac just tasted like cheddar for 99% and then you get the slightest hint of a bacon a minute later. While not every single Wasabi chip was special, when you got the one with the right

Overdoing the melodrama a little bit aren't we?

I still disagree with you. This is a pointless argument. You're trying to convince me that I don't like something right? Have you considered how ridiculous that is? It's like someone trying to convince you that you don't actually like your favorite food because of some subjective points.

Not fail. Opinion.

The green haze was just graphical. NV had an orange haze. So... just a difference of hue.

I'm one of the few who thinks FO3 is better than New Vegas. Don't get me wrong, I like both quite a lot. And I still have intentions of playing 2. New Vegas had some pretty great writing, but something about the quest options just felt lackluster to me. In theory having the different factions to fight or befriend was