
A couple things in the article are incorrect, but most is accurate. Example, only the #1 car had steel bodywork, the rest were fiberglass. There were also an even smaller number of V8 versions made later either as promo cars for Ford, or Dealer Special Order versions like mine below. They were dubbed the “Mustang GT

Hate to say “I told you so”, but I did leave this comment on another auto blog less than a week ago and apparently can predict the future

I feel horribly for the OW team itself still, but good lord...was Kaplan really the glue holding it all together? I know it’s likely more complicated than that and it’s extremely rare one person has that much influence on a project worked on by hundreds but like...damn man.

Hey Luke! The guy in the suit is a prop maker who goes by SinisterPropz! He is me, feel free to check out socials under that name.

We get it, you like the Bronco, you don’t need to go on about it.

I saw Shockwave at air show a few years ago. It was undoubtedly Mr. Darnell at the wheel. When he made a slow pass in front of the crowd as he blipped the throttles and made the jet engines belch even more heat and noise that slammed into us, to say it was impressive is putting it mildly. Real mildly.

Holden Sandman, 70's shaggin wagon mixed with muscle car.

Mitsubishi Pajero Evolution.

need to see footage of the fight scene side by side to make my own conclusion. i guess i just feel sort of annoyed because i clicked all 50 hyperlinks in the article and didn’t even see a still shot from the movie.

Sounds pretty gay to me.

I’m more of a one-stop-shop guy.

Umm... I don’t know if the research extract was not clear or if this is a summary of other sources, but benzaldehyde is already what’s in artificial cherry flavor.

Unfortunately, that would be playing into protesters’ hands.

World in Conflict is amazing! I wish they would make anotherm but Massive is a The Division dev now.

I’ve watched and enjoyed his channel. It’s clean family viewing.

Ok. I need an engineer to chime in. I would assume that there is a counterweight to balance out the rocket so this thing doesn’t shake itself to pieces. That is all well and good until the rocket is released. Then the rotor has only the counterweight and will shake like mad until it stops. How would they get around

Wish the video would show what the hell these people are hitting, since it’s conveniently hidden behind the damn bush. Or even the article, that would’ve been helpful.

You stare at him, and he just stares right back. And that’s when the attack comes. Not from the front, but from the side, from the other two bots you didn’t even know were there. Because 343 bots are a pack hunter, you see, he uses coordinated attack patterns and he is out in force today. And he slashes at you with