
@navi1101: I get a cropshare, and while I like other squash, I'm less hot on Butternut. But last week, I realized that I had eleven of them, so I decided to cook them all and make soup, or, more accurately, a soup base. Mom, knowing that I was doing this, asked me to give her a portion for Thanksgiving dinner.

@Alex McMillan: Quite. To no small extent, I spent yesterday looking at games on Steam & GOG, thinking "there has to be something I want to play, but nothing out there seems to suit my particular desires."

Point of curiosity: does the idea of Black Wednesday extend outside of Chicago?

So I haven't played Fallout: New Vegas. I also haven't watched Battlestar Galactica, the new one at any rate.

@RadiantViper: That I can accept, but what I have trouble with is accepting that it remains true as the product goes through the corporate food chain.

@Sumada: Well, that comment is more from Bono than straight from the reporter. Also, when those technical problems encompass getting certification from the State government, it's a weird territory.

@The MSJ: What utterly and completely fascinates and captivates me is how, of the hundreds of people who are involved in the creation, editing, and oversight of this one particular ad, at no point did one man stand up and say "umm, guys, there might be more than one way to look at that," or, if he did, he was

@Pope John Peeps II: None of the other videos, or songs for that matter, are like this. They all have a variety of themes, typically riffing on an idea out of Sagan's work.

@Nightshift Nurse: Cautionary tale? A WARNING: RESULTS NOT TYPICAL needs to appear in the vision of any executive or producer who looks at World of Warcraft.

@bmart008: I think it's like $5 on GOG.

The skill isn't there.

@Twanzio: As far as I'm concerned it's a glitch in the matrix. I never heard of it until I heard about it everywhere.

@scrapking: It's the fashion equal to three buck Chuck.

@Lintor: I think that each are, more or less, talking past one another.

@Ueziel: I think your analysis is sound, but I disagree with your results.

@Pewny: Attacking stuff generally does work, if you pay attention to stances and the timing of your clicks. Remember that you have to spread your level ups throughout the two types of sword and the three styles. The basic "combo" side of things never really changes, there's just a question of how much you play around

@Walking Eye!: It's worth seeing. There's that - to use TVtropes terms - Unbuilt Trope quality to it. The idea of "sucked into the animation" was novel enough that the writers didn't really know what to do with it, so they did things differently.

@sackboy14: No, if only because Zepplin (more or less) improved with each record, whereas Metallica (more or less) declined with each record.

@Nick Edge: I agree in principle. I don't know how true the demographic thing is, though.

Why pick on Citizens United? I mean, there are so many other fun, dubious decisions out of the Roberts court.