@Walking Eye!: The history of law and law-making isn't just trying to enshrine perfect principles of justice. Frankly, if it were, any system of common law would be flawed from the start.
@Walking Eye!: The history of law and law-making isn't just trying to enshrine perfect principles of justice. Frankly, if it were, any system of common law would be flawed from the start.
@PossibleCabbage: By no means is what is Constitutional mutually exclusive from wrong, immoral, or corrupt. The decision can overreach without it being ignobly motivated. Frankly, campaign finance jurisprudence looks like 30+ years of nine persons looking for One Good Idea, so I'd even take 'sound' with a certain…
@urfe: Yeah, anecdotal evidence is awesome. But, if that's what you find persuasive, a friend got back from doing missionary work there this summer, and did not paint as dire a picture.
@intenseaty: So? Dictators acting shitty is par for the course. It's western democracies that we hold to higher standards. From the Monroe doctrine onwards U.S. policy towards the rest of the Americas has remained set on atrocious. So, while there's no reason to cut Castro any slack about what he's done wrong, I'm…
I'll see you the "what Cuba actually did to its own people" and raise you state sponsored terrorism on the part of the U.S..
@PathRifter: First, it's not the less traveled. Political correctness is more myth than fact and the first to say "get over it" cry foul with all ready speed once their own sacred cows get turned into Big Macs.
@Lonesnipa: You did hear Japan complaining about the ability to blow up a nuke on a city in Fallout 3, which is where I'd put the analogy. We're not just talking about history; we're talking about what's a touchy subject.
@psychobaka: Not all about that. One of the reasons why it's so cool is because there's so many different sorts of games all at once. But "League of Time Traveling Historical Assassins"? Things like multiplayer games over who can kill Hitler first?
@jayhawkfilm: Kind of like the title of of the Kotaku piece? And yet, I don't see you calling them out about it...
The right analogy probably isn't a "you kill the President" game, it's a "you set off a bomb in Times Sqare" game.
@tempered_edge: Perfect. You are so nominated.
@superapplekid: Admittedly, that's an awesome idea for a video game.
@Jackal239: ...and there was outrage over it.
When I saw this in a Barnes & Noble several months back, I knew things had gone too far.
"The researchers did separate time-lag analyses that helped demonstrate people's mood was affected by their wandering mind, not the other way around"
If you're going to do all of that and go that far, why make it a spinoff? That's asking for cancelation.
@lobohotpants: Yeah, but that fact alone doesn't mean high quality writing. I agree that Fable is good at the "hey, games are supposed to be fun, remember?" that far too many games forget, and that it has a unique and charming identity. But it alternately tries too hard or not enough.
@akumaserge: It's one of the reasons I like the more indie titles, but I hate to admit that I agree with you more than I don't.
Upgraded my motherboard today. It went...smoothly (*knocks on wood*), which, I have to admit, surprises the hell out of me.
@Arnheim: I'm with you on point one. Personally, I think that media segmentation has lead to people forgetting that different opinions exist, ergo, someone else cannot have a different view from yours, unless that view is irrational (or bought).