
"Oh, we got both kinds of MMOs..."

Now playing: figuring out why Windows is acting funny this time. I've heard the console version is better.

@NeVeRMoRe666: That was awesome - and not only for the sake that I don't think I've ever looked at a Canadian court's decision before and it's fascinating in comparison to the U.S. & U.K. ones I've seen.

@adam483t: Go to college local, save up money, make big move later, and at a point in your life where it's specifically supposed to be about Dramatic Life Changes and big events.

Is it even so sophisticated as "presenting a friendly, non-threatening version?" Palin already does non-threating well, be it on the Left as mostly a punchline or on the Right with emphasis on her "well, shucks, I don't know much about politics, but..."

@RAMeyer19: Unethical seems a bit extreme. I don't like it, and I

Actually, per the website, the starting town for India is Mulgore,

@Last Face: Not really. Like many group names, there's not a

@Teran: His theory - that the world was smaller than it was - was,

Didn't you see some of the packaging for "Endless Ocean"? There's no way that wasn't trying to package it for women.

I don't think that imagery is ever going to quite cut it, nor is flash game remakes of other games. The Brown game comes the closest to what would work: an actual video game with rhetoric built into its mechanics.

@d00d123: "L-l-l-ook at you, Hacker..."

@Weezle41: If you're going to play it, I'd finish the second game before checking out the Fallout Bible, not because of spoilers with in it, but because it's designed in some ways as an after-the-fact book, and settles more than it possibly should. (This is assuming that the FB is the one that was around on the web

...and you've got a flying lemur buddy who tells you about a lost treasure and shows you a mostly incomplete map....

@ther_isno_spoon: Well, the 50's in Bioshock is more of a incident, that of when the line got drawn with the outside world. The mores of the 50s are most certainly Not looking to be enforced.

My friend who does localization once spent a night entertaining the table with stories of the more outrageous jobs they'd gotten away with, like turning a shy girl character who was the poster child for bulimia into a teenage transvestite.

@Walking Eye!: I love how it's written, but it's got a lot of problems. I don't want to go too much into it, but there's too much philosophy and not enough history. His concluding points might as well taken from a Tea Party website and the serial numbers removed.

@[ZTF]The Power: After having to face both extremes, I'll take the snobbery. At least they might care.

Yes, it's a beat up, upturned garbage can with a old pillow.