
So what is he trying to say, that he is Steve Jobs bitch? I dont get it. Way to bend over backwards because the almighty turtle neck called you out

@siwex80: Choice - nuff said

@Dodge2002: Yeah its great, samsung shits out a crappy product and only one person eats it .

@John H. Meyer: Well ya know a Ferrari only gets about 10mpg. Sometimes you have to be willing to give up a little battery life to get better performance and whole lot more options. Enjoy your Nissan LEAF.

@FriarNurgle: In Apples testing phase they realized that Gorilla hands were so large they covered the antenna. After 3 angry comments from Jobs to the Gorilla, the Gorilla finally became fed up and tore off Jobs turtle neck. Seeing as how Jobs only owns 1 turtle neck and he has had it for 30 years this made him very

@Ginsu: First things first, smoking is bad for you, you really should quit. Now with that said, Samsung has nothing to do with Android. They utilize a free and open source OS, thats it. By stating that the connector Samsung uses ruins the whole "open" concept of Android you are just proving you have no clue what you

@Grindhouse Murders: Well Bungie and the Halo franchise already attest to that fact...

@ddhboy: I bought the Nexus One and have been eager to buy a new phone. I usually update every 6 months, a year is the longest I go. This applies to PC's in my house also. I get a new PC at least once a year. It doesnt help that Dell gives me PC's at no cost.

@Nigra: oh funny man

@johnhmeyer123: Ive said this before and ill say it again - If you are going to come to the table with something it better be as good, if not better than anything already in existence. Trust me im not fanboy, i was sorely disappointed in Android when it released, so much so I sold my G1 and went back to Winmo. Thats

@thinkthis: Obviously he doesnt need one. Nor do you understand the concept of opinion. Continue to bash someone because they tell their side of the story and it makes you a douche - not a troll or fanboy. He is right in the fact that the industry is going 16:9, show me a laptop display, tv, phone, computer monitor

@redman042: You are kind of an idiot. Im a fanboy of the fact youre an idiot.

@TheCrudMan: Call me an apple hater but I think the pure fact that it isnt an iPad will cause me to take a closer look.

@AlmightyRenegade: "Guy: ok, but the glare from the sun makes it hard to see so we'll have to sit real close to see the screen well... "

@Gary_7vn: Then it would be wise of you not to use their services.

Too late man. You messed up and now you have to pay for it. I dont care how good your music is (or isnt!!!) You cant just do stuff like you do and expect everything to be fine because you said sorry. Your yesterdays news now. Step aside and let the next arrogant black rapper step into the spotlight