
I got in this EXACT argument with YouTube commentators on the video for Obama's "1 is 2 Many" anti-rape campaign. Like 10 dudes were saying, "Why is this administration saying all men are rapists? I find this so offensive." I was like, "I find YOU so offensive! Where in this video, which is filled with dozens of MEN

Just a random twitch. A penis-hiccup, if you will.

that presumes that the person saying it thinks of it as quote real unquote rape. They don't. People who say stuff like this think that violent stranger rape is real rape and not being able to resist the tempation of a pretty, drunk girl when you are horny is like...a lapse in judgement.

I employed three very important lessons:

Seriously. It's disgusting how much more we value property rights than a woman's right to her own safety.

Good analogy. So I bet any time a poor person robs a liquor store, or a bank even, this judge gives them a pass because "they really needed the money and couldn't resist"? How about if someone murders someone because they ran into someone with an ethnicity they hated — I mean, theoretical murderer isn't "searching for

The people who just "can't help themselves" and start raping at the slightest temptation are exactly the people that need to be locked up. They are clearly a danger to others.


I also find this depressingly, yet hilariously, misandist (miisandristic?), given that it is often spouted by men. Dudes: do you even hear what are you SAYING about menfolk when you say this shit?? That you're all just a few "right conditions" away from being rapists? I know a shit ton of rape survivors who have a

"She was a pretty girl who you fancied. You simply could not resist. You had sex with her."

she was drunk, she was asleep and she didn't give consent. He saw something he wanted and he took it. If if had been the judge's wallet, would the judge have patted him on the head and told him 'it's alright, you fancied my wallet, there's no theft here'

I never understood that either: he doesn't jump out of bushes, he just rapes people who trust him!

Thing is, this doesn't even really make sense with it's own internal logic. Like, so, the judge doesn't think he's a threat to strangers but only to women who he might really like? So, I mean, so long as he's never attracted to another woman all will be well?

We need to eliminate tipping. Customers often think 1. it's not required, or 2. they get to complain about service or praise it via the tip. What a lot of people don't know is the hourly rate of a waiter or waitress. They don't get it that the 15-20% tip is just barely bringing their hourly wage to the minimum, if

If you cannot afford the tip, then you cannot afford to eat there.

You, for not tipping appropriately. If you're leaving 10% for good service, you are a shithead. No exceptions.

I'm of two minds.

you think the cops don't rape people?

People can be guilty of things they justly accuse others of. See Eliot Spitzer.