Having just seem drinking buddies last night, I'm looming forward to this one.
Having just seem drinking buddies last night, I'm looming forward to this one.
Does anyone know if that blood dragon entry will activate on steam? cause Ive been wanting to play it and I don't think $4 is bad at all.
Whie the movie itself was ok, I really did like Zilla's design, and apparently Toho liked her enough to include her in some comics, and make her suitably badass, or at least her surviving kid.
While the rest of the movie was pretty awful, I genuinely did enjoy Liev Schreiber's performance as pre-bestial Sabertooth.
Hey all, I dunno how to start this so I'll just be blunt- my brother is in the navy and he's been missing for two days. The navy called us this morning and told us he hasn't reported since Thursday, he's been incredibly depressed lately, my family is in dire straits and we're incredibly worried about him. The last…
*double post oops
I was a fan of Cyclone from THPS 2, its just such a zany song that I can't help but love it. Also, its the only song I was allowed to listen to on the soundtrack for awhile since it was possible the least offensive, so there's that as well.
Ughhh. Those pictures are actually making me uncomfortable, I cannot play any game with deep water in it for fear of stuff like that.
No, just when I'd forgotten about it.
Thanks for the quick and succinct reply, I've been going over and over exactly how to broach the subject with her. As I don't even know if I'm reading anything right. I'm a bit stunted when it comes to being sociable, and her being one of my longest running friends, I don't wanna push her away by misinterpreting.
I need some serious advice on a relationship I have with someone. Awhile back (years ago) I wound up dating one of my close friends, it didn't really work out and we sort of separated for awhile, but stayed friends. as we eventually started dating other people, she'd once and awhile text me and tell me she still loved…
Shane, do you know if I preorder that Titanfall deal off of ubisoft (free blood dragon!), would I then have to install it in uplay, then run that through origin? I can't find a concise answer online anywhere.
I'd put forth a suggestion for Hannibal or True Detective, both are incredibly watchable and Hannibal is about to enter its second season this February.
Love mike patton and tomahawk, I was completely shocked to see this on the main page today. Rock on, Kotaku.
Why do people who record themselves let these kinds of videos get to the internet? It always baffles me that someone would almost intentionally want to be humiliated just for a wee bit of fame.
My friends are the same way; god forbid a woman has short hair all I hear is "...lesbian", "uggghh gross..." Etc etc. Then, anyone who disagrees gets a: "man, you have such low standards" for their troubles.
Anyone else think Aaron Paul looks like he's on the verge of spontaneously combusting, in nearly every picture he's in? I mean, look at that header picture, he's gonna blow a vein.