
This was hard to think of an idea for. Here's my go, not my best 'shop.

Not even mad. This is how you announce your tv options on a gaming console. It shouldn't be your lead, but mentioned as options given.

"...because beyond voice controls, there really aren't many compelling reasons to really use the thing "

A claustrophobic's nightmare. If it breaks down inside that tube…get me OUT!

There also seem to be "Mega stones"

"The game will be gorgeous but the key, the most important thing is the gameplay. And making it beautiful from a design perspective first. The game is awesome already. It’s not dependent on being beautiful to be a good game.”

You forget about the mighty 180! MS's secret weapon! HAHA EN GARDE!

Called it.

Lets be serious though. I don't know anyone that goes online with their 360 that doesn't have live gold. Maybe to go and download updates or get an arcade game, but there's no reason to stay online.

Offline gamers can't use it because the videos are stored to the cloud, and they wouldn't use it, because they have no

It's more a production company kind of thing - it's sort of like them putting The X-men in Avengers. Different studios, different productions, etc.

Frank wouldn't sink so low as to sexualise an underage teen. But that didn't stop him from making Carrie Kelly worship the very ground Batman stood.

He also turned Selina Kyle into a Madam lol

Um, guys? I know you might not like to hear this, but it's time to let 1986 go.

Just a child slave/prostitute/mystic. And a queen that was only really used a sex plot device.

Still relevant!

Why is Kotaku so hell bent on talking up Xbox these days? it's still $100 more, $10 more a year, has less exclusives, will be watching you if you forget to turn the Kinect off, and it is owned by the company that thought, however briefly, thought you should have to log in once a day and used games should be regulated.

close, but it's actually synonymous with "bad, over grindy game that's really expensive"

They aren't getting pissed. It's more of pessimism with projects like this that constantly get squished underneath Cease and Desist Orders. There's so many projects like this have gotten an CnD order that you could fill an entire cemetery with.

"this won't just be another case of "awesome fan game gets announced then is never finished"