Subscription would be a huge fight between publishers and platform owner between compensation. That is why it won't happen. So there is no reason other than the bottom line (not trying to vilify just stating).
Subscription would be a huge fight between publishers and platform owner between compensation. That is why it won't happen. So there is no reason other than the bottom line (not trying to vilify just stating).
This one should win, so Kotaku's giant banner version of this will cause so many tears from the "no spoiler plz" people.
From my understanding you can still digitally purchase games on both systems, which ties them to your account, the same way Steam work.
That's kinda what I was getting at. Neither is he the original creator nor was this created for the contest :/
Let em claim spoilers. lolzers
I kind of like it, but it seems too early to use this scene without people claiming spoilers. I just recently saw this episode, and I would have been furious if you had ruined it for me.
Not cool!
Man, I think there are far better reasons to disqualify it other than that.
I'll take Young Justice back, thanks.
Shit happens with software.
Just checked Amazon. Day one edition still available.
Nope, you can still get "Day one edition" on amazon.
ONLY because they sent out a severly limited stock to retailers.
the funny thing is that nobody is bending any facts.
Welcome to Marketing 101.
Keyword is console which is true by the way.
Idk the audience arent gamers. But they are showing Watch Dogs next.