Sky Captain Obvious


I see what you did there, and very good call sir!


Yes, yes there is. And it tends to circle around the Civic Coupe.

This guy. He speaks for all of us.

I'd like to think said Ninja is this kid 10 years later, completing the circle.

The difference between "Why not?" leading to aweseomeness or failure comes down to sticking the landing.

What confounds me is the price to quality ratio of these things. The interior is literally the cheapest pile of shit plastic I've ever seen in a modern car. I used to valet in Beverly Hills (Driving everything over 100k ftw), and these came in way to often. Hated them. I stopped in to a dealership and was shocked

Dat crunching sound. Usually I shudder at the sound of cars going crunch. But this one just sounded awesome.

RWD. Steve Sutcliffe needs to find out if it drifts.

I knew Farley faked his death and was working on a junkyard in Canada! Vindicated!!!!

Holy shit, COTD and a half.

How the fuck is it that Ford's been on a consistent tear with putting out awesome cars in both design and build, but Lincoln constantly drops the ball all around. Seriously, who the fuck is planning this shit out?

Anyone else catch the irony that there's an electrified Porsche call the P1. Wonder if they'll be able to pull McLaren's rights that name.

Fuck that's unwatchable. Hamfisted rehash of an iconic film, then a double heaping of "why the fuck is this happening" when the Opera singing starts. I like the K9, I like the Matrix. I hate this commercial.

Damn. I thought that was a caught at the right second photo. Can't believe that's how they're flying constantly.

Hooolleee fucking shit! Just watched the intro, and this movie is FUCKING AWESOME!!!!

Thanks for the link! Downloading that from youtube and putting it up on the big screen tonight. On a slightly off topic note, my internet was being kind and somehow downloaded all 500mb of it in under two minutes.

That, is some serious sexiness right there.

Holy shit, that's exactly where I was going as well. The Jalop hive mind begins.