I think that's why we have Biden, Gore, Quail etc. - to keep the Secret Service on its toes.... and peace of mind for the Prez.
I think that's why we have Biden, Gore, Quail etc. - to keep the Secret Service on its toes.... and peace of mind for the Prez.
How thick is the sheet metal on the STS? If I shoot a shotgun shell through the door, will the pellets come out the other side?
With all the things he says, I have to wonder if he is able to drive! He sure isn't smart enough to own a gun.
Reading these articles is making my head hurt.
Ignore everybody else. I have to agree with you. The F-150 Titanium is gorgeous.
This is on Jalopnik because?
For Obama? How about something based on a Cobalt?
This is just horrible. What sadistic bastard thought that advertising losing your best friend, and buying a cheaply made, POS equinox are anywhere close to being relatable?!? I'd rather ride a dog than drive a chevy.
I solemnly swear as a dog lover to never buy another GM product.
Here's the problem. Most people use android.
I will not buy a car with this.