
I bet Ashcroft did it.

@Dknight99: As someone who made the mistake of seeing this movie on Friday, I can safely say the reviewer is 100% correct.

@MrTripps: Throw more cheese on it to hold all the pieces together. :D

@ImpulseDrive: All those assholes are getting downrated into oblivion on Allakazham.

I'm surprised, no mention of the T-Mobile free smartphone deal today and tomorrow.

Fry's never did it. Best Buy and Toys R Us are the two big shops that did it the most.

@token_liberal: I see what you did there, and I thank you. Bookmarks updated. XD

Long as United Space Alliance doesn't let Gawker Media redesign it, it'll work great.

Long as United Space Alliance doesn't let Gawker Media redesign it, it'll work great.

@The MSJ: I'm diggin' Wreck-gar, he has a great face.

We will name it the "Omnom Bridge" for its effect on avian wildlife.

Super Mario RPG 2, plz.

@HektikLyfe: Maybe they planned on using Macbook Airs as shivs?

Thug life.

@maxinNrelaxin: I can't wait until I'm able to pirate the entire internet. Better get the floppies ready. :D

@CountChocula: Yeah, the dictator kept more promises. XD

We don't talk about jalopnik anymore, they are lost to us with the new format.