@Guitarzan2k5: I don't know much about it other than it was one of the most gorgeous things to come out for the Dreamcast.
@Guitarzan2k5: I don't know much about it other than it was one of the most gorgeous things to come out for the Dreamcast.
@csc3: Screw the songs! It's all about the moichandising!
@minimaltek: Now imagine it with 3D cameras!
@Mikekearn has an overly long username: I gave Jupiter my wallet and ran.
@黒人: I did the Exact. Same. Thing.
@jolietjake: both, actually. That is Kent Pietsch, seen him perform at the Reno Air Races.
Don't forget that Katamari was painful on the PSP.
@Weiner: Well he didn't bother to wrap his bottom half, so maybe he's just self concious about his duck moobs. Doobs?
@lucasway89: Beanbag chairs have a similar effect on me.
Don't forget to put some of these on the bottom so it'll slide easier as you kick it.
@GGear0323: I can agree with that sentiment, I know there are plenty of people that just can't do 3D regardless of the technique. Also, we've seen plenty of DS games (even ones put out by Nintendo) that didn't make use of the touch screen even in instances where it really should have.
@fiendishmuffin: @Bruce_Wayne: Wow, two recommendations for the same product, this is a good sign.
I love these recreations of WWII as performed by cars.
@Rils: I was going to disagree, but then I remembered that every time I have recently has been at cons. Not typical operating conditions. So yeah, you're totally right.
@P4KO: Looks way too similar.
That's great and all, but how about controlling all that awesome from the couch? What are the best solutions for long-ish range wireless keyboards/mice and good ways to store those devices?
@Weezle41: It's pretty tough. It's not as simple as 'level grind, stomp boss, move on.' You actually have to think about elemental weaknesses and equip accordingly. The story seems a bit meandering, I'm about halfway through I think and I'm not quite sure what's going on.