
I'll wait for a red one.

Realistic games will always have a place, it pushes technology not only on the consumer side with new hardware, but on the developer side with new techniques and tools.

@Amazing_Spiderham: Don't forget about chuggin' that milk straight from the carton.

@tovette: Bonus points if your character is named "Winona."

@Chumley Marchbanks: That's more of a physical affliction than nerve issues, I think.

Earth is about to explode, I swear. Everytime we have some "meh" earthquakes here in California, some other part of the world breathes fire. First it was St Helens farting, then we had a few more low end earthquakes and Haiti tries to split in half, then a few more earthquakes and Iceland erupts in a flurry of

@The Sentient Meat: Yeah, I was so ticked when they released the Virtual Boy Lite....wait....what?

So in this game the answer to any situation will be "Frostcock!"

But you'll lose so much detail in the small screen. If the games end up looking that good, I'd probably want to play them on the TV instead.

VW Beetle. Someone over in Germany got a little confused about what exactly "rear engine" means.

@juliansr001: Just another reason to hate Fremont.

Ouch, I hurt from laughing.

@mrpibb79: Read it out loud and Cthulu crawls out of the cartridge slot.

@mrpibb79: Pfft, you probably think save files are better than awesomely cumbersome passwords too. XD

If it's coming back then it probably means it works reasonably well and the ones complaining about it are probably people you wouldn't want to be online with anyway. You know, the online racists.

Re-hooking up? Mine is never UNhooked in the first place!

@Spykedude: Silly George Clooney, what are you doing around Uranus?

@MonkeyPunch: I never did understand how saying "urine us" is really any better than saying "yer anus." Both are pretty gross, yeah?

I don't get it.