
@LimbIndependence: Yeah, too close. The way I use it I hold it farther away than I would hold my DS phat, so it doesn't look any worse, and in fact it helps to see some details better.

@WillyG15: Wow, it's like the deer are really jumping out in front of me!

Man, I suck at that game.

Dammit, it's Miatas....well let's go for the next best thing. Lotus Elan!

@Shadead: That's the other way around though. The race track is waiting for you, it's totally there with it's fancy trees and authentic suspension. You're the one taking forever to load. :D

@igloochan: Ditto. I love the screens on the DSi XL, reverting to something smaller would kinda suck.

@Peffse: No, it's not out of the question: it's called a PS3. :D

@BigManW: I have a Super Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Advance SP, and the Gameboy Player attachment for the Gamecube. I think I've got the GB/A thing covered. Honestly I think (in terms of portables) I prefer the GBA SP screen over the DS screen anyway. The aspect ratio isn't right on the DS

I love my XL. To the point where I'm tempted NOT to buy a 3DS unless they make an XL edition.

With our luck it'll be a Libertampage.

Needs more SRT-8

Oh, those are vents, I thought the entire area was taillight originally.

Real life has much shorter load times.

Minecraft doesn't require a service that noms on your information and farts it out the general direction of marketers?

So why did they call it Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light when it seems to be mostly Final Fantasy: 1 or 2 Heroes of Light That May or May Not Sometimes Hang Out With A Couple Other Heroes of Light?

@A Bloody Brit: Oh, I'd also recommend Flower on PS3, but even there the grass look a bit too synthetic. It does flow nicely though.

@A Bloody Brit: That's one thing FFXIV got right, much of the plant life looks really good. In the Black Shroud, the obligatory forest, they didn't cheat and use fog as the ceiling or make the canopy the sky box. The tree canopy is actually rendered and there's a sky box up above it.