
The new "regular" Prius manages to look uglier, but the little guy doesn't look bad on first glance. But seeing a bit of Nissan butt there, this Prius Jr. might have the MySpace angles.

@wætherman: Pfft, perhaps for you, but when I think sliding door, this is what I see.

Man, scary face. Can you imagine looking in your rearview mirror and seeing one of the sentinels from X-Men staring back at you? That's what this looks like.

@zelfmoordkonijn: If I ever open up a sports bar, I'm totally serving Deathwings.

@Nick Edge: I'm with ya. Though remakes when there's been a substantial jump in technology isn't always a bad thing either.

@Tenshigami: Ugh, I HAAAAATE the PSP cord for having the damn block in the middle.

Sometimes having a cord that short would be handy. I tend not to play with the XL while it's plugged in, so I have the cord still bundled up the way it came out of the box. Much easier to manage that way.

@Nightshift Nurse: I thought Monster Hunter was the hot property and it just happens to require a PSP? XD

@gm0n3y: Throw Californians on it?

Am I the only one who thinks every morning should start this way? Gimme just two things to wake me up, some caffeine and an explosion!

@bemis: Well look on the bright side, at least this generation of electric cars look like the average everyday cars everyone else drives. To me that's still a step or two in the right direction.

@xequar: Someone didn't bother reading the article.

I don't do multiplayer on xbox, so no skunky.

@SkyGriever: I'll say A because I'm pondering that one myself and it seems like it'd be a fairly short jaunt. I would avoid Fallout 3, not because it's bad, quite the opposite actually. Because you'll not get ANYTHING else done. :D

I finally bought Angry Birds for PSP/3 and I'm loving it, so may blow through that this weekend. I also made the mistake of starting 3D Dot Game Heroes and now kind of want to blow through that too.

I finally picked up a copy of this last night. It was another pleasant surprise of a game actually fitting the hype. It was honestly hard to go back to Minecraft after playing this for a bit. XD

@azzygoh: Ah, so then the author fails for not mentioning whether Medieval Madness is included.

No Medieval Madness? Fail.

I bet a bunch of executives are like:

We like it, we think it's awesome, but you, the downloading public can't have it because we didn't give permission even though we totally would have.