
@Rafael Garavello Soares: Saw the green on the Mazda 2 in person and I kinda wish it came on the 'Speed 3's. I refer to it as "How did you NOT see me!?" Green.

@RX-Elise: It's perfectly at home on the Miata as well, though I think it's called Mariner Blue on those guys.

I was wondering why my xbox sparkled in the sunlight.

@HaveBlogWillTravel: Personally I loved the opening to GT3 with the motor internals, and the opera version of "Moon Over Castle" from the japanese GT4 opening.

In all honesty, this is a pretty cool intro. I'd probably rewatch it alot.

Hey Vegeta, what's the scanner say about the total represented horsepower?

I imagine if they tried to patch it, it would end up floating even higher and will suddenly be textured with Matrix style 1's and 0's.

@a t o m i c: I'll blame its lack of motion on congressional funding. :)

I've been busy. I've also lost count of how many sheep I had to punch to make this.

Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Xbox.

I propose we change the name of 880 in the SF bay area to Gran Turismo 5 Freeway.

@nintendomonkey: That just goes to show exactly how badass Link is.

@Ford Tempo Fanatic: The Fairmont/Zephyr, Mustang/Capri, Thunderbird/Cougar, and the Grenada are the ones that I remember specificially.

My house in Minecraft is way more awesome, it has a workbench and a furnace!

How is the Ford Fox platform not on this? Not only was it used in 3/4 of Fords offerings at one point, but it the Mustang built on it ran for what seemed like forever.

@chaos_jockey: Random information you didn't care about: My Lugia and Ho-oh are named "Enola Gay" and "Bocks Car," respectively.

Jigglypuff demands a recount.

@squall987: I want him to teach me while I teach him...