
@ChrisFu: Not a particularly well built automatic either.

@robrob9: Did the XR4x4 ever make it to the states?

@Chestnut Bowl: That's what I thought too, so getting third really isn't that bad.

@nkCow: Cause they insisted that the PSP was better than the DS.

@BeefSupreme: People manage to find a way, no matter what.

Bad airplane! Bad, bad airplane! Go back to your hangar!

@BeefSupreme: Loop de loops would be a welcome addition to the commute as well.

It's all fun and games until you hit that track criss-cross at rush hour.

Noooo, can't have Arby's now. I'm gonna have way too much of it when I go on vacation this week. The hotel I'm staying at has an Arby's on the ground floor. Mmmmm.....

@Pojodin: It'll be the next big thing at convention dances.

@mrantimatter: Heh, that's my Wal-Mart battle cry! It's the only place in the area that sells Cherry RC, meh.

Now playing

@Pojodin: I love the Akihabara Circus stuff. This tune makes me want to run back and forth while windmilling my arms about.

@BakaDango: I'd say get a GTX 460, it's not labeled as high end, but it's a damn good performer for the price. God damn does Final Fantasy XIV look good on it! Sure the forests around Gridania may be cut 'n paste, but when you walk around with the camera pointing up at the canopy, you can't help but drool....and in my

@sackboy: When I think of my personal "Top 5" I think of games I come back to again and again despite their age or whether I've already beaten them or not. These are the games that I chill out with.

@FrankieViturello: Then the camera pulls back out and we find Ken making the same face.

Now playing

If y'all don't hear from me for the rest of the week, it's cause I'll be in Reno, distracted by airplanes.

@blaaps: I freakin' love the internet!

@Lauren Shaw: You know what the real conspiracy is? People are afraid to go to Mars because there are no lawyers there. Why would you go someplace where you couldn't sue someone if something goes wrong?

From now on I'm using ''' as a grizzled ellipsis.