
These rumours always have been a pain in ass.

Too late! I already got my picture taken with it. The Prince road sign is much shorter than I expected.

From suck to blow, just like Mega Maid

Well, okay, but here where Taylor says, “What I got, you gotta get and put it in you.” How about just, “What I’d like is I’d like to hug and kiss you.”

They just found it. Gonna announce it officially in like 2 minutes. I kinda figured they were dead. The way that contact was lost so fast just felt like the end. It’s a sad day.  If they would only have used a Dual Shock 4.

Saint Joseph: The First Cuck

Every actor has worked on bad movies at some point in their career.


You literally didn’t get the reward (the cosmetic for your horse in the live game) unless you were level 20 when you killed Ashava. Did you just ignore that part of the information about the server slam? They were probably telling you not to waste your time, on top of hoping a level 20 would fill your spot when you

Real heads (old people) know.

Pokemon World War II

Because the game seems like it’s trying to insinuate that the Queen died from jumping in puddles with Peppa Pig.

Dude, he just wrote the article, don’t shoot the messenger.

Sorry couldn’t resist...

Alyssa, this article lacks so much drip, lady. You need to talk to some actual gamers(or hit me up) that you work with next time so you don’t look like a goof outside of your own element. I mean, this isn’t TMZ or April fool’s day, you can’t push out such a dripless article like this and expect to not get plowed by

“Many of you feel sorry for this robot. That’s because you are crazy! It is just a robot. It has no feelings. And the new ones work much better!”

Great, so the first time I slightly offend Baby McThinskin with a critical tweet (like calling him Baby McThinskin), he can not only ban me from Twitter, but brick my phone as well?!?

Where do I sign up?

But if a Conservative owns a Lib online, but there’s no Lib online to read it, was the Lib even really owned?