
Why did I go to fucking jail for what you just did? And you’re still sitting there?”

wow you’re so, right; All we have is video evidence from the past 20 or 30 years showing cops display a complete disregard for human lives.

You’re quite the riot yourself.

please, point on the doll where all the non-rapists hurt you.

You’re a bit cranky, do you have some thetans left that need to be cleared?

Awww, did I hurt your feelings?

that escalated quickly.

and quick follow up, question: are you suggesting that marvel characters, who have been in media for more than 5 decades, dont have staying power?

its for children. when was the last time you saw a Mickey mouse movie blow up the box office?

you just wrote a comment on jezebel.

who could have seen this coming??? if only had some other serialized media with long, convoluted plots and reboots that could have shown us what would happen.

yep, allegations they might be able to reason away, but he was sentenced, so it was proven in court. why ask for leniency at that point?

... uh... this game is based on fictional characters... everything about it is “made up”.

they had 20 years of allegations, this was not a sudden thing for them

if you’re friends with a rapist, I dont like you.

lol I literally just wrote a reply saying that it's conans schtick.

yeah that’s an old conan schtick; “they know about you/me/us, and they are coming to get you/me/us”

too round, very clown shoe.

its going to be regarded as a scam for as long as it is not fully released, and if the devs decide to cut features people explicitly paid to support.

republicans can’t keep their hands off kids!