prince only has 3 good songs, and purple rain isn't one of them.
prince only has 3 good songs, and purple rain isn't one of them.
i hate that these stupid CPC'S are allowed to exist.
slapstick is funniest when it happens to people who deserve it.
Who fucking cares? The people on these shows are dumb fucking attention whores, who had no qualms exploiting each other for personal gain. The only people worse than them are the idiots who watch these shows, thereby feeding into the economy that requires them to suffer even more.
did you know that there is nothing stopping you from enjoying the game without romance?
enjoy feeling like a tough guy on the internet. it’s the only place where you can live out your racist power fantasies.
its only a credible threat if they threaten white children.
did you know that strand type games are just games with strands attached to them?
to all of you who are excited to tear down a talented black woman who happens to be fat... ask yourselves why you’re salivating at the opportunity to do so.
you’re buring the lede here; there's a senator whose last name is GOUNARDES. That's fucking hilarious and I'm disappointed that I didn't have this information until now.
no catdog no sale.
how’s that boot taste?
two wrongs don’t make a right.
everyone is capable of being a sex pest.
read a book, you mouth breather.
try touring for a while. let's see how you keep up.
people are so dumb for comparing artists who perform with backing tracks to Milli Vanilli.
what a horrifying reality they live in.