
no catdog no sale.

how’s that boot taste?

two wrongs don’t make a right.

everyone is capable of being a sex pest.

read a book, you mouth breather.

try touring for a while. let's see how you keep up.

people are so dumb for comparing artists who perform with backing tracks to Milli Vanilli.


what a horrifying reality they live in.


But, alas, this is Jalopnik. Home to clickbait and smoothbrains that need everything spelled out for them because they are incapable of critical thinking.”

since the majority of us are poor, this will not affect us. it's like asking us if we'd be sad about the treasury discontinuing $1000000 bills. we'll never see or hold one, why should we care if they stop making them?

incredibly sad, and poignant. I hope to watch this doc.

wow, how’s that for solidarity? “its her fault he cheated” - todtodisure it’s scummy that she may have pursued him, but he’s the one who decided to divorce you.

fuck off with that “he was no angel” shit.

uhhhh thanks for outing yourself.

No, you are incorrect.

Ben Shabibo had a hissy fit and decided to burn all of his barbies in protest.

Ahh yes, Europe. Home of the sex pest.

if you can’t handle the job, dont do it. amercia needs to pull itself up by its bootstraps.