
“That poster is one of several things that have raised a discussion online about whether or not Gwen herself is trans”

extremly cool!!

isnt there a simpler way to do this that wouldn’t make me feel like an idiot for buying a pretend manual?

lol Penn State. we can't be that surprised

where are the bodies, Garth? the families need closure.

will it pass the bechdel test though?

thats nice and all, but if garth would tell us where he hid the bodies, the families would finally have closure.

3 rotor mid-engine supercar please! basically a mazda NSX

kind of odd to hear kotaku write about a private company serving shitty ads when I am here, being served shitty ads by kotaku.

are you gay?

a job is a job. some people work their ass off for minimum wage and then spend it all on booze and scratch tickets.

this hammers home the idea that you can raise you kid in any way, and there’s no saying how they will turn out.

attractits only going to be better than twitch until Google feels like they have the marketshare. they are in attract mode; once the streamers and users are hooked, expect shitty changes.

by that logic, his car should be burned.


get ready for a whole lot of white actors. Again.

I’m going to buy it because I enjoyed the base game.

what a great advertisement for pc gaming!

corporations don't care

almost all of those guns belong to less than a quarter of the us population.