
see attached gif:

FaZe clan is the bud light of the MLG community; complete with fans who happen to be bigoted morons.

incorrect, they posted screenshots of hulk hogan's sex tape, who then sued the company and had his expenses paid by Peter Thiel.

its weird to suggest that developing software is a waste of time because someone will choose to pirate it.

irongate had every chance to say its not allowed, but they chose to say that they “discourage” the idea of charging for mods. so if they don't think it shouldn't be allowed, what are we arguing about?

no one would be forcing you to buy the mod, I think it’s a non-issue.

its up to the to the developers of the mods, which is ideal. I’m not saying I want to pay for mods, but if someone makes a product and wants to charge for it, all the power to them.

republicans are like snakes eating their own tail.

you’re right, they move to blue states because of better access to social programs, and then they vote red.

desantis is a bigoted nazi with napoleon syndrome.

De Niro said yes to rocky and bullwinkle, and you said yes to writing this article.

“if one is to believe the likes of Megyn Kelly and Piers Morgan, who say Markle alerts photographers when she wants to be snapped. A case of biting the hand that feeds you”

tell us you painted your nails black in highschool without telling us you painted your nails black in highschool.

ohhhh okay, it’s fine to be threatened if you have the means to protect yourself. cool cool cool, so she’s the problem, right?

Herb detected.

i can't tell if theres a pun somewhere in your comment

why are YOU on kotaku?

why are you here?

buying studios doesn't mean you'll make good games.

chris pratt