
thats a bad take and you should feel bad

would actually be fucking dope since the new prius looks so good.

they need to be “forever games” with live services because a one time payment of 60 or 80 bucks wont cover the development costs.

The word you meant to use ismerk” not “murk”.

Smokey looks like Tom Jones in black face.

this guy is such shit.

well, trump inherited a good economy from his predecessor and proceeded to completely ruin it in fpur years, so yeah Biden inherited a shit economy from Trump.

gamers eat too

When I Was A Kid I Capitalized Every Word In A Sentence.

you’re right, cyberpunk was such a seamless experience on consoles.

they are bad movies. even if you arent a fan of the alien series, they are just a mess of ideas and bad character writing.

this is a bad take and you should feel bad.

republican barbarism

If anyone is going prevent your child from getting kidnapped on Twitter, it’s gonna be Elon “Pedo Guy” Musk!


you didn’t read the article, did you?

posession is nine tenths of the law

he sounds like your type of guy. all you need is a little tour of the cockpit and your panties drop.

do not use MTG as an example of success  wizards had been over printing sets their stock price took a hit due to them devaluing their own product.

the steel cover helps people feel better about spending money on pointless things.