
shitty people deserve each other.

what are the perks of being gay?

“I only want support from someone who fucks the same gender as I do.”

meritocracy isnt bad, I’d much prefer that people who tell me what to do are actually QULAIFIED to do so.

it will happen

this purchase is pure vanity for elon. he wants to spend 44 billion so he can feel cool? awesome. You’re so cool, elon, I can only hope to be as cool as you.

oof, that made me pucker up

this is pretty much what I want. I have so many ships I collect but end up getting rid of them because they are kissing something or have something I’d get rid of.

the problem with analyzing art for clues is that art is subjective, and you’ll only find what your lookin for, because your looking for it.

fuck randy, he's pure slime

Todd macfarlane and co. left to start image comics for this very reason; they wanted more control and ownership of their characters. this isnt a comic book problem, this is a marvel/DC problem, and creators have been criticizing them for decades.

Trash talk isn’t bad, he’s just bad at trash talk. He also comes off as a prick.

so you want everything for nothing, gotcha. live that american dream, only poors should pay taxes because they aren’t smart enough to make money so they can avoid paying taxes.

you shouldn’t stop contributing just because you’re rich enough to weasel your way out of taxes. the problem isnt that its targeting boat owners, it’s that once you have enough money money, you’re living off of the backs of poor, tax-paying people who do not have the means to buy a house that barely qualifies as a

you know what? You’re right, if someone is rich enough to buy a giant house boat that they plan to park on the coast of Miami, and then proceeds to utilize all of the amenities that come with the area, they shouldn’t pay taxes. Why should they? they broke through the system with money, and their reward is to live like

i think it's safe to assume Luke has seen this video, like a billion times.

I like how people think the rich and famous woman (who is famous for being rich and famous) organizes her own pantry.

Given that Tesla serves as the de facto electric vehicle manufacturer, failing to allow its work force to unionize fundamentally undermines it's own workers rights.

you're right, we should hit people when they say things we dont agree with.

a fool and his money are soon parted.