
I hope you already have the proper certifications to fly this already. The skill book is like a hundred jumps away in losec. It also takes 30 days to train.

I hope you already have the proper certifications to fly this. The skill book for it is like a hundred systems away and takes 7 days to train.

Good one!

The machine they put the bad guys brain in Robocop 2 was ... wait for it... robocop 2. Not trolling. I watched 2 more than a few times and didn't realize it.

I felt the same way; however, I cannot sing the praises of the second game enough. The story, game play, and graphics (even on low-medium) are all just fantastic. The Witcher 2 is probably one of the most solid games... period.

I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of lens flares suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened

I just hate how people are trying to drag guns into reforming video game control law... wait...

Yeah, I thought it was kind of weird. There has been plenty of internet hype about the game, but I have not seen a single TV ad for Ni No Kuni. I mean come on! It is so good I imported the Japanese version last year, and bought it on PSN when it came out here in the States. We are not going to get out of our Call of

I believe one of the most disheartening statements here is "This is all about their[Gamers] lust for violence and the industry's lust for money". Today I believe it's true, on the outside looking in, one would think that the video games industry is all about violent games. These are the games we encounter at the top

Gold Dust and Razor Ramone...still a better love story than Twilight.

I don't have the mental capacitance to figure out what that black and blue thing is

I don't know why people are hating on owlers. "SKETCHY PEOPLE" are never people that you could ever care about, it just never happens. No one is ever raped, murdered, or stolen from by people they trust or care about, and if they are, they are probably less intelligent and affluent than either I or owlers and