Uh-oh. Better get Maaco!
Uh-oh. Better get Maaco!
Remove the temptation by unsubscribing to all those shopping e-mails that offer that cool stuff. If you NEED some replacement technology, go to the NewEgg (or whatever) site on purpose. Don't even open the sales e-mails. It can be challenging, but just delete them!
I actually terminated an interview (I was the interviewee) because the interview team kept taking calls and leaving the room. When each would come back, they would ask the same question I just answered in their absence. After 4 or 5 times, I told them I didn't think it was a good fit. I later met the guy who took the…
No. No they're not. It's been five years since they were funny. ;-)
Kinda creepy, but warts. I read people put them on warts to starve them of air and make them go away.
I find it sad that the most interesting comment folks have is grammar corrections. It's almost as bad as "first."
Darn - I thought the story was going to be about baby racing. That would have been so cute.
My sentiments exactly. Why would one want to screw themselves out of roads and decently-paid teachers just to save a few pennies on the dollar?
I hear you. It never occurred to me the you could do any fine tuning. I always assumed you were just placing monitor B "over there" as compared to monitor A. SMH
While watching that, I kept thinking of Republicans. Not sure why.
But it's still not a bad idea. If you meet at the buyers bank, cash can be withdrawn and handed over. Not to mention they have cameras in banks and that should help a crooked seller think twice before attempting to steal their cash back.
You put the eggs in the rice bowl - not the steamer basket - and cover them with water. The TS or two goes in the *bottom* of the cooker on the heating element.
4D - You have a better method? Can you send me a list of their addresses and pay pal accounts?
This article reminded of my Grandma Mimi. Dear lady used to (and maybe still does) use her tooth brushes until they literally fell apart. She would wash them in the dishwasher or soak them in bleach when she needed a "new" one. LOL
The men forgot to go to the appointment.
I buy it in cans all the time. Of course, they're BIG cans - like a gallon. I get them from an Italian grocer. I have a feeling that the tin blocks the light and keeps the oil fresher for longer.
Oh, how I miss the good old days when, if you saw a person walking towards you seemingly talking to themselves, you knew - beyond a shadow of a doubt - that you must navigate around said person because they were crazy. With bluetooth and voice apps, you just can't tell anymore. Sigh.
I wonder if I can program in all my friend's numbers!
If you knew MY mom (and had a spare hour), that just might work.
The Federal government will NEVER contact you via e-mail. You think the IRS has your e-mail address? They don't.