
Wait. You actually get to fight stuff in this game? I thought it was all about pushing your broken car to a rival’s wedding so you could crash it or something.

So the bacteria is a problem in the same way trying to figure out what to do with a giant pile of money is a problem if you win the world record lottery jackpot. Got it.

The more I think about this, the more it blows my mind. I mean, we live in a time when this is considered normal and we think nothing of it.

My gut tells me the reason for the more limited protein choices these days is due to several factors

I’m willing to bet we won’t even be on Earth anymore in another few thousand years, let alone 5 billion.

Well, depending on who you mean by “we”, we do.

Here’s all I saw when I first scrolled to this story. The short headline was perfect.

I like you.

This is how my wife and I used to play Knights on the Amiga. That was back when there really wasn’t any other option and the game didn’t support multiple screens anyhow.

People seem to think the American Dream is purely about becoming one of the top wealthiest people in the country. It’s not. I mean, it’s also that, but it’s not just that.

Except when it does. Bezos, for example, wasn’t always so wealthy.

SMH. Can we just stop already? Where is this kind of ignorant name calling crap getting us? Nowhere.

Soooo ... is the 13th person killed not a man, woman, or child? I’m wracking my brain to think of another category.

I wonder if humans would be less racist if we were all blind.

It’s one of my all time favorites. It’s creepy as hell. And the lighting? OMG.

Well ... that’s utterly horrifying.

It’s definitely not great, but I really liked it too.

This dual booster landing is far more impressive than the single landings. Two at once is glorious.

For the entire season she spends all her time trying to convince people she’s seen a few hundred times that she knows them and to bring her cocaine.

It is one of my favorite shows. I especially love Bad Janet. Her burns are always great.