Neat. I can’t wait to get my first installment of flavorless crackers with terrible frosting in the middle.
Neat. I can’t wait to get my first installment of flavorless crackers with terrible frosting in the middle.
It seems weird to me that cold medicines have jokey ads. I mean, that’s totally playing into their competition’s hands ... because because laughter is the best medicine.
Since the cars still have all the normal input devices (steering wheel, pedals, etc), what’s to stop someone from climbing into an empty front seat and taking off?
Wait just a minute. Are you saying I don’t need to run around the bathroom to do my business? How am I supposed to do it?
I signed up at Coinbase about a couple months ago.
I always bring my phone in the bathroom. I almost never actually use it while there, even if I get an alert of some kind.
Quick poll. Compared to the Hutzler banana slicer, is this egg cooker product:
Quick poll. Compared to the Hutzler banana slicer, is this egg cooker product:
I present to you how it feels almost every day now.
What the hell.
That lead image is bullshit.
My mother worked as a histotechnologist at Togus VA hospital for years and performed a lot of autopsies.
Oh, for sure. Deep Silver doesn’t have the same value as CD Project Red to anyone.
Amen to that.
Dead Island won best trailer awards too and look where that ended up. It certainly didn’t suck, but it wasn’t as good as the hype expected either.
“Be kind to everyone. You don’t know what battles someone is fighting.”
I only came here to note that if you want something you dislike that is based onto popularity to go away, stop reading about it, commenting on it, liking it, subscribing, disliking, etc.
I’m unsure if this article is a parody or not. I am responding as though it is not.
Clearly the word “luxury” is relative to current ISS accommodations only.
I don’t really know much about WoW. I never played it, so I wouldn’t know if this particular dungeon was easy or not. Anyone in my shoes would have no reason to think the video was fake.
Hm. You may not be doing sex right.