
That sounds really good. Mine is a bag of cranberries, a whole orange (rind and all), and 1/2 sugar blended in a food processor.

Absolutely. I’m guessing this is how LifeHacker is getting more clicks. Bait articles where everyone can weigh in and all be right are easy/lazy work. It’s like all the lame-ass “Top 10 yadda yadda’s ranked” articles which a drunk monkey could write.

I’ll just leave this here. Take what you want and leave the rest.

So long as the order of the day goes something like this timing doesn’t really matter that much:

Considering I spent my early formative years being impressed by the Atari 2600 and graphics like the following, it blows my mind to see how far we have come.

Interesting. I’ve always done the pat dry and baste with seasoned butter and roast. It always comes out golden and still juicy with a great crunchy skin. Never had a problem, but I’m willing to try something new too.

We have a lot of wild turkeys around my home. Interestingly, they seem to show up more around Thanksgiving. I guess no one told them?

Don’t sell yourself short. I am opposed to animal cruelty. I’m also an omnivore and shop at the grocery store. You don’t have to be a vegan to be pro animal rights. Baby steps are still steps. That said, be prepared to be called a hypocrite. :-P

I’ve never brined a turkey (or chicken, or duck, or etc). For those who have brined and not brined, did you note a substantial difference? Does it matter for the birds with “water added”? Do you also baste when brining?

You assume every woman I know is willing to be either open about their past or has decided to confide that info to me. Something having happened and me knowing about it are not always mutually inclusive.


That’s also a serious issue we need to somehow rectify. It’s boggles my mind that a victim should ever be further victimized after simply pointing out they are a victim.

I am sure that the numbers are small in comparison to valid charges, though I’ve never looked up any official numbers because the whole topic is super depressing.

Nope. I don’t, but just because I personally don’t know anyone in that group doesn’t mean we shouldn’t consider them.

According to this thread, almost no one here.

As Salinium correctly realized, I’m only making a comparison to another group of people who were wrongly accused.

I also don’t want innocent people on death row. I guess I’m a jerk that way.

While I certainly prefer people who have genuinely been harassed to speak up and get the justice they deserve, I am concerned about false reports as well. Because harassment trials are commonly held in the court of public opinion, it can be very powerful regardless of fact. Even if a false claim is disproven, it could

Eh. It really all depends how you measure success. For me, it’s not about my bank account. Money helps, obviously, but it’s not my driving force.

Your comment has multiple stars, so obviously it resonates, but I admit I’m not sure I understand your point. Is your point that rich people hoarding money reduces your money and thus your ability to live a long life?