I assume the “M” stands for ... uh ... Smalt, I guess?
I assume the “M” stands for ... uh ... Smalt, I guess?
This reminds me of the time in grade school a friend brought an electric fork to school. No joke. He had an electric fork with a light in it and a cord to plug it in. It was a long fork one might use wen carving a roast. We were all really excited to see what it did, so he plugged it in. The light turned on.
Fucking around with NPCs is the greatest. Trapping Sims in rooms until they pee themselves and die, chasing people around in Grand Theft Auto V, launching their vehicles into canyons with the grappling hook in Just Cause 3. These are the best parts of these games.
Unfortunately, it’s probably about as marketable as those floating pens levitated by magnets. It doesn’t really add much to the experience compared to twinkly lights like Alexa has. The weather information display helps it be more valuable, but other than that it’s just fun window dressing.
Over how much of the 1,200 mile long pipeline was that 84 gallons leaked? Was it all one spot? Was it multiple spots across the whole thing? Over what time period did this occur? What was the leak rate? Will it increase with added pressure? Do we know anything more than “IT LEAKS! OMGWTFBBQ!”?
“When the second flight attendant came through for a cabin check, he saw us (already buckled in, arm rest in between us up) and told my friend that there was plenty of extra space and that we could ‘spread out’ if she wanted to. He did not say this to anyone else,” Baldwin continued.
Bingo! Airports are “the great equalizer” for the unwashed masses, but Richy Rich and his buddies have probably never even seen one.
$1 a plate for 5?
It will, however, purge any demons from your cell phone.
All I can think of is this:
I too love to see the changes because I’ve lived through so many of them at this point. We forget how good we have it now.
HL2 was my graphics leap too, but only because that was the first time I had a graphics card. I bought the card specifically for it.
I’m not gonna lie. I came here only to see how ridiculous that character outfit was. My assessment: 9 out of 10.
This sounds almost as boring as Desert Bus. Almost.
WTH? I mean, you do you, but I just assumed this only happened in small tribes living in the jungle who haven’t had any connection to the outside world yet.
I know it’s a catch-22, but it sems to me that people have stop caring about what they look like for advertisers and marketers to even consider following suit.
That makes more sense. The article wasn’t exactly clear on that.
It looked impressive to me (someone who hasn’t played a CoD game since CoD 2).
I’m struggling to understand why they felt the need to change this name. We’ve got Boaty McBoatface, after all. I think English speakers could comprehend “Fatty McFat” juts fine.