
If you read the article, soap and water.

Sam, as a friend (well, reader), I suggest writing drunk more often. (y)

My grandma still uses AOL. Yes, dial up.

I'd contend that you'd hate to be a paralegal, legal intern, or first-year associate at a corporate law firm... after that you just sign papers and get money.

Sorry! I must have commented before you edited!

Maybe they corrected this after you read it, but the deepest point for number 10 is 11.5 feet (3.5 meters)

I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, and Jesus probably won't like me saying it, but, the helicopter destroyed during the OBL raid was not "shot down" as this article says. It , in fact, crashed (I believe due to where it was trying to land, with a high wall around a courtyard.) Please see: []

Now we'll know when they sing: "So long, and thanks for all the fish!"

I take back my comment, seeing his replies below and in response to his comment history which you pointed out. Sorry for being snide, I just assumed that he was being sarcastic and not a blatant asshole.

I believe he was practicing the art of "sarcasm," you should look it up.

It gets all the groupies. Every time.

He was a rockstar... appearance matters on stage!

It charges, but when I get up, the battery drains the first 20% quickly. When it's off, it drains more slowly...

I can't replace my alarm clock with my phone, atleast not yet.

What about real woman work? You can't bake on an iPad, desktop, or laptop!

I will take it off your hands for a nominal fee!

On, perhaps?

Don't Russia and the EU have them, also?

No "view as a single page" ?

It's just basic journalism that whenever you state something about a politician you also state their affiliation.