
EDIT: This is not a rabbithole I want to go down

Finding an inflatable chicken more offensive than all the things that man has done and said sums up the Trump supporters I see around perfectly.

I wish you were an unborn baby, but since you weren’t I hope that you die now.

—double nah


I know what their position is. I stated it. I said they should do a clearer job as an organization of stating that position.

When in my life have I ever said something as platitudinous and shallow as “love trumps hate”? It’s never happened.


Fuck you.

All the times I’ve seen this clip and laughed at it, and I never realized it was DURING THE FIRST QUARTER OF A 0-0 GAME HOLY SHIT BAHAHAHAHAA

I thought the same thing! She’s clearly The Fucking Worst!

Number of people who read Leitch’s interminable entry = number of Arizona Cardinals Super Bowl Victories

I don’t really disagree with you, and I’ve always known that the ACLU is more about defending the law than any particular stance (I had a personal run-in with them when they defended the rights of Neo-Nazis who published my home phone number and address in their newsletters in 2006), so what you’re saying is important.

You can still find all-time great NCAA kickers in later rounds.

Commonplace doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the most strategic move, but of course I’m with you if you’re saying that draft strategies do indeed change over time.

kill yourself

That chance at a top-tier kicking talent is regularly available in the 6th/7th round, rather than trading up into the 2nd. Even if he’s a generational kicker, drafting one before the 5th round is a massive waste of value.

how many other 2nd round picks end up flaming out?

I think outing doesn’t go too far when it happens after they fucking kill someone.

kill ya’self