
No, it would not.

if evolution exists why are you still a subhuman piece of shit

Fucking exactly. Not every opinion is valid enough to be legitimized, but that’s what people always want to do with this shit. THEIR VIEWS ARE NOT LEGITIMATE. NAZIS ARE NOT OKAY.

“Is killing someone REALLY as bad as calling me a racist when I do racist things???”

The Detroit Red Wings made a stronger declaration against white supremacy than THE FUCKING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

If he were black, people would have said they finally got tape on him. But because he’s white and hunts, he’ll get another 15 years to prove himself. Bible-humping jackass.

BTW, Falcons fans are the worst, fair weather, ignorant shit fans in the NFL. Peace!

Fuck you twice

You’re a fucking idiot.

i wish everyone was dead, especially me

In 2013, everyone had us ranked as worst in the league. We went 8-8.


I remember it mostly because I laughed really loudly and obnoxiously, more like a cackle, over how fucking blatant Rusev was in kicking the fuck outta Cena’s balls, hahaha.

He beat him in the first one they had at Fastlane that year, no? It wasn’t a clean win, but kicking him in the balls after a ref bump isn’t quite as dirty as interference, at the very least.

Precisely. And he would say little things on the mic to put most of them over, too, which goes a long way (in some cases it can go even further than if that person were to win clearly against someone lower than Cena on the card; that’s how much his status means).

Haha, yeah but he still doesn’t compare to Cena in terms of putting others over!

Mick Foley may have been a main eventer, but he was definitely not a “top guy” at the level the others guys were, I don’t think. In fact, his purpose was more to make almost everyone else I listed look better.

Man, when KO pinned him clean I shot out of my seat in SUCH shock. I still wish he didn’t get all of his wins back on him but STILL.

I’ve gotten a lot of heat from Internet wrestling fans about this, but John Cena has put over more midcard talent, cleanly, than literally any other top guy in the company’s history. More than Hogan (lol), Austin, Rock, Bret, Shawn, HHH, Taker, A N Y O N E.

when they were given a chance to talk during their Smackdown Live run