

This comment is not just super good; it’s Ultra good. Just the kind of Exciter I needed to get me going today!

Holy fuck, you’re a goddamned moron.

Don’t post that.


this is way too good for way too many reasons

This trailers makes me wish I was dead.

you guys are soooo bright and uNiQuE

You’re a fucking idiot.

Shut. The fuck. Up.

Shut the fuck up.

Tyrone Wheatley.

Wait, how is that not dickish?


Get back to work, Reggie Miller.

Does this really count as a BCO when there’s not an Editor’s Note every three sentences or so?!

...yeah, definitely go back to ghost reading.

You should try ghost reading again.

Except everyone’s been talking about this before, during, and after the Wells report was released.