
You're a fucking moron.


Why? He was already successful here.

I laughed and whimpered "noOoooOoo" while choking on my water after reading that.

You're both a terrible person AND an idiot!

That was some video game shit, holy cow. Still so bummed the Giants snagged him before the Jets did.

i need this to happen so badly


How does this affect draft order for next year? My understanding is that the Falcons, for example, could win the NFC South at 5-11...but not get an early round draft pick because they'll be a playoff team. In that case, the highest pick they would get at that point would be #21 in the draft, if they are eliminated in

Shut the fuck up.


Am I crazy and out of touch for thinking that it's mostly harmless/humorous fun? I'm asking honestly and out of genuine curiosity to get other people's opinions here.

This is phenomenal.

I'm expecting Foodspin to publish a "Shitty Delivery Pizzas, Ranked" post any second now, and my sincere hope is that Domino's falls somewhere below "getting hit by a car" but somehow above Little Caesar's.


Hahaha, not falling for that bait, nyoooooope. Take care!

Everything you just said is 100% true, but at the same time none of it disqualifies the possibility of racism being a factor in the RGIII/Kirk Cousins coverage. It's never an either/or thing, and I think folks have a tendency to say "It's not racism! It's this OTHER thing!", as if what's being discussed is so

"Me again?" I have no idea who you are, unless you changed your name or something? (If you're that psycho from last week though, please don't turn every single conversation into you yelling at clouds and overreacting until you're red in the face again, 'cause I'm not even joking or exaggerating or trying to be

RG3 said that he is not good.