
Now I know what the Volkswagen Santana was based on.

I’m into yeti-necrophilia. Don’t judge me, you insensitive prick.

I don’t get get it. How could they decrypt RSA-2048.

OK, so you’re a rocket scientist.

Niiice. I already like her.

First car: Load PastorMaldonado.lap
Second car: Load TakumaSato.lap
Watch the world burn.

As more cities see the benefits of other autonomous car friendly cities, they will demand to fix them.

Removing the minimum wage eliminates unemployment.


The people who would get fired if the minimum wage get higher.
In order to hire someone, that person has to produce for me more than it cost me to hire him. It doesn’t mother if he is old, young, black, a single mother, whatever. If you make them more expensive to hire, business will switch to alternatives.
I can’t

I have one of those. It’s ridiculous big. It doesn’t fit in any pocket.
And it last just one year. I always for get it in the luggage at the hotel room.

It would be much better if I could send routes to my phone instead of just waypoints.

Besides, thinking for 5 hours is far more rewarding than doing the same boring and repetitive thing.

Empty bottles? Why?

It looks worse from behind.

My problem with small city-cars safety is that it increase the base model price. If someone can’t afford a Smart For Two, or any other city car, he will end up buying a motorcycle which is far more dangerous than a Fiat 500.

I want to do the exact opposite.

Gas line magnets dude, 20% more horsepower, 300% mileage.

They look like anime eyes.

I’m from Argentina, I had an obnoxious class-envy coworker who said “Some people eat rice all year to afford a travel to Europe for vacations” like if people travel to impress other people.
I told him, that’s exactly what I do!, I save money all year to enjoy vacations as much as possible.