There are many different V6 designs, and many of them sound nothing alike.
There are many different V6 designs, and many of them sound nothing alike.
If the chassis is a 65, I think it legally must be sold as a 65, no matter what it looks like (or what state it is sold in). My guess is “1965 Porsche chassis” = VW Beetle. Before the Fiero, the Beetle was the most common chassis donor for kit cars.
A stock 2.8 Fiero would probably outperform a 78 Corvette, but not an 88. The Fiero might have a 500lb weight advantage, but the Corvette has about a 100hp power advantage.
Which could end badly for him, considering porn is illegal in Indonesia.
It probably exists in somewhere like C:\Windows\System32\Temp\00000000\
Pretty sure the NSX qualifies as a performance car. It also has a DCT, which is not technically an automatic transmission. It just doesn’t have a clutch pedal.
Unless it has an AC motor, then both pedals should have both a plus and a minus on them.
That’d be way more interesting to see up close than a dime-a-dozen Lamborghini.
I actually thought this at first, but then after seeing them for a while I think that while slightly odd looking (that crease by the taillights is pretty WTF), they look better than the old ones, which just look totally boring. The new ones are actually look like they were designed with some sort of style in mind,…
I’ve seen that before, and it makes absolutely no sense to me. I’ve even had it happen when I’m in the rightmost lane, and there’s nobody to the left. My suspicion is they’re just not paying attention, playing with their phone, the radio, whatever, until a vehicle in their peripheral vision causes them to slow down.…
That’s a reasonable conclusion, if you don’t feel you have to have an EV.
I figured Tesla would be more likely to use off the shelf CPUs, cameras, etc, and just do their own software. I get the impression MobileEye supplies a lot of the processing and recognition software, which is probably where most of their value over DIY is.
Would that make it part Fiero, also?
The reason to duplicate someone else’s work is because you think you can do it either cheaper or better.
How else are rich people supposed to smuggle their umbrellas?
They also replaced an engine that is 6 cylinders in length with one that is 5 cylinders in length. I’m guessing width was the major issue.
Sounds like that driver was very handicapped.
“Home parking = free (we own it)“ doesn’t apply to most people, as the majority of people live in condominiums which don’t include parking.
Compared to Hong Kong...yes. Parking is cheaper. Yearly registration is cheaper. And buying cars is much cheaper.