Some Alaskan strip club owner is sure going to be pissed once he finds out that somebody leaked footage from his surveillance camera.
Some Alaskan strip club owner is sure going to be pissed once he finds out that somebody leaked footage from his surveillance camera.
Counterpoint: Eddie Lacy Is Not Fat By Wisconsin Standards
Arrested for throwing a car seat at his girlfriend. Sounds right!
Man, reading this made me seriously crave a Sports Illustrated "Where are they now?" for Quincy Carter.
Yeah, that would be Powdered Toast man from Ren & Stimpy.
Can't we let this kid be an asshole college student in peace?? Stop bitching and fucking adapt, internetz.
Wow. That guy in the bottom right has a Limas Sweed jersey on. Irrefutable proof that this is definitely a UT party.
BronBron wanted to go beast mode game 6 for the commercial.
Thanks to NCAA Football, I can hum along with every single fight song in America. So I've got that going for me, which is nice.
I think you mean ceases.
The music has always been terrible for American football games. There are usually a few gems in FIFA each year though.
This looks like a high school gym workout playlist.
Hmm! Not bad!
I find it absolutely incredible. 2/3 of his contract is based on off season shit - not even games. And the fact that this idiot didn't know it is just as incredible.
Probably, but I hope he can't. Agent or no, he still signed his name to the contract. It's his responsibility to read what he signs before he signs it. I can't stand people bitching about terms and conditions they ignorantly agreed to.
he could've just said he didn't wanna play for the Cardinals.