
Just like her career: no follow-through.

Give her a break.

What a pair of complete idiots. I mean, that's just a total lack of awarenesof about things. Who even does that? They must have to know the consequences of this kind of action and how bad it can look. I mean, come on, these "Free" hats always require some sort of credit application, which will totally ruin your credit

Not Everyone Is Turning Their Backs On Aaron Hernandez

True story... when i was a kid in the 80's i used to send letters to the stars of each NBA team. The team's addresses were listed in the Beckett Monthly magazines.

Now playing

Just remember these sites. Remember that black people wept tears of joy in the streets when a man who we all know was a double murderer walked free. Now a man that most black people believe is a murderer walks free and they weep tears of sorrow. It goes both ways, but only the jury's opinion matters.

But he's hispanic....

I didn't find this one very funny. But, I think the Assassins Creed face thing should be next weeks. I already saw some amazing ones.

TLDR: Gore in failed run with horny running mate

[KTVU Reporter]: This just in...KTVU has learned that two Bay-Area Natives were among the 23 injured during the 'Running Of The Bulls' in Pamplona. These individuals have been identified as Gordon B. Hind and Noam Oarlegs.

Obviously they're chess players, not athletes.


Hope this joke wasn't too DiffikultD for you to understand!

Idiots who didn't fact-check a tip and deserve to be fired for being incompetent? Definitely. Racist pigs? Come on. You're better than that.

"Who's responsible for this racist embarrassment?!"

Those names are pretty funny, but not quite as ridiculous as "Captain John Travolta."

Producer at KTVU: Luk Fo Wok

That's actually offensive enough that someone may pursue legal action. If they use Bay-area lawyer Mi Su Yu, that station is fucked.

This made me laugh like a goddamn 10 year old.

Wonderful investigative journalism by KTVU's new foreign correspondant, El Oh El.