it’s quite amusing looking for that stock footage cut into every single review. At least this one does not have that overhead shot but it’s probably because they were too incompetent to find it. Who gets hue wrong in 2015? How is that even possible?
it’s quite amusing looking for that stock footage cut into every single review. At least this one does not have that overhead shot but it’s probably because they were too incompetent to find it. Who gets hue wrong in 2015? How is that even possible?
I'm going to play devils advocate for a minute... I don't actually think this is a blatant rip-off. I actually see more Buick than I do Tesla. Sure the tail lights are similar along with the windows trim but I think the person who gets the two cars confused really needs their eyes checked. In terms of the interior,…
My earliest memories are of my Dad's 1988 Testarossa. Black with red interior. It was before airbag laws and he used…
I went to high school with a mobster's son (well, it was Seattle, the Colacurcio's were as close as we got). Frank Jr (currently doing time for tax evasion) had '76 Bricklin and one night in front of his strip club, Sugars, (what else) he climbed out of his white Brickin in his white 1977 John Travolta suit and we all…
Sounds like you've been bought out by big oil Jason!
Ivan Ironman Stewart's off-road racing for the NES. Nitro Nitro Nitro Nitro Nitro Nitro 99 times nitro
A friend of mine recently purchased a Toyota Corolla. Here's how it happened: my friend came up to me one day and said "I'm going to purchase a Toyota Corolla!" And I replied: "OH GOD NO!! WHY??!? HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF?? TO SOCIETY?? TO HUMANITY!?? YOU ARE RUINING EVERYTHING THAT'S RIGHT WITH THE WORLD!!"
@RichardHammond You mean the Ice Thimble Challenge?
Winter is coming?
Jay Kay must have a great financial manager. jamiroquai can't be enough to pay for his car purchases!
I'm not arguing that the car shouldn't have been on that bridge, but the cyclist seemingly made no attempt to move over or slow down, and almost looks to have hit the car on purpose. I know a few cyclists that wear helmet cams like this, and the majority are colossal douches. (Blow through lights and stop signs, but…
Unsure of what to do after his girlfriend died from an overdose of oxycodone in Arizona, a Michigan man searched…
The only thing that can save the economy is to re elect absolutely no one and not elect that cunt that will probably run for president. The bill of rights has been under severe attack for many years, and once she is elected, the USA is over and open to the latest Hitler or Stalin.